Benefits of Salak Fruit for Health and Nutritional Content

Benefits of Salak Fruit - Salak, must have been very familiar to us. But, you know, it turns out the fruit that stems like stems of this palm has extraordinary benefits for our health.

With the Latin name Salacca zalacca, and a sharply scaly brown skin, it turns out that this white flesh contains quite high nutrients. Anything about the nutritious fruit of salak ya?

Nutritional Content of Salak Fruit
Serving Size 100 gr (100 g)

Amount per Portion
Calories 82from Fat 3.60

% Daily Value *
Total Fat 0.40 g0.6 %
  Saturated Fat 0.100 g0.5 %
Cholesterol 0 mg0.0 %
Sodium 0 mg0.0 %
Total Carbohydrate 21.30 g7.1 %
  Dietary Fiber  2.7 g10.8 %
Protein 0.20 g0.4 %

  Vitamin C10.0 %
  Vitamin B1 Thiamin1.3 %
  Vitamin B2 Riboflavin0.6 %
  Vitamin B3 Niasin0.5 %
  Vitamin B5 Asam Pantotenat acid0.6 %
  Vitamin B62.5 %
  Calsium0.7 %
  Iron1.1 %
  Potassium3.3 %
Phosphorus  Magnesium  1.3%
  Copper2.0 %
  Manganese2.5 %
  C Systein 0.6 %
  F Phenylalanine0.6 %
  I Isoleusin0.6 %
  K Lisin0.6 %
  L Leusin0.4 %
  M Methionine0.4 %
  T Treonin0.7 %
  Tyrosine0.5 %
  V Valin0.5 %
  W Triptofan0.7 %
* Percent Daily Values ​​are based on a 2.000 calorie diet. Your daily value may be higher or lower depending on your caloric needs.
Total FatLess than 65g
Saturated FatLess tha n20g
CholesterolLess than 300mg
SodiumLess than 2,400mg
Total Carbohydrate300g
Dietary Fiber25g

Benefits of Salak Fruits for Health

Amazing is not it? Very extraordinary benefits of fruits for health. But we need to know, in addition to the flesh, it turns out the epidermis fruit is also very beneficial for the health of our body, here's more:

1. Benefits of Salak Fruit For Diarrhea Drugs

This is a very famous salak efficacy and often tried at home. High fiber content in bark can treat diarrhea.

2. Benefits of Salak Fruits For Eye Health

The content of beta-carotene in bark can keep your eyes healthy. Even its contents up 5.5 times larger than mango and 5 times larger than watermelon.

3. Benefits of Salak Fruit For Diet

The content of phytonutrients in fruits is very useful for you who are running a diet program. In addition there are 2mg Vitamin C in salak.

4. Benefits of Salak Fruit to Prevent Cancer

One more benefit of bark is very extraordinary that is able to prevent cancer. This is because the content that is on the epidermis of the fruits, so if you consume salak, do not throw away the skin arinya.

5. Benefits of Salak Fruit to Boost Immune System

Salak fruit is also beneficial to enhance our body immunity. The content of vitamin C in bark boosts the body's immune to viral diseases.

6. Benefits of Salak Fruits for Digestion

So far we know that if consuming too much salak can lead to constipation or difficult bowel movements. Well, it turns out the epidermis of bark contains fiber that is high enough, so if you eat bark leaf not to be discarded because the epidermis fruit bark useful to smooth and digest our digestion.

7. Benefits of Salak Fruit to Increase Brain Intelligence

Based on the results peneilitian, fruit bark able to improve brain performance by bringing the pottasium and pectin content, which can nourish some nerves and able to smooth and control blood circulation to the brain.

8. Benefits of Salak Fruit to Keep Stamina

Calcium contained in the bark is also useful to maintain our body stamina.

9. Benefits of Salak Fruits for Pregnant Women

Salak fruit is also good consumed by pregnant women, especially young pregnant women who experience morning sickness. Nausea that often can be overcome by consuming salak. But do not also over eat it, must also be balanced with protein-rich foods such as beans.

10.Manfaat Salak fruit as Antioxidant Agent

We certainly know that antioxidants are very beneficial to our bodies, antioxidants useful to prevent berabgai disease and free radicals. In addition, natural compounds found in salak are also efficacious to overcome the risk of heart disease and cancer in the fetus and pregnant women.

11. Benefits of Salak Fruit to Overcome Anemia

Salak fruit is also useful to overcome anemia, this is because the content of thiamine and iron benefits are very good to help the health of pregnant women. Iron becomes one of the important actors in producing red blood cells. Pregnant women need higher red blood cells because they are used to donate oxygen through the placenta in the fetus. Lack of oxygen will be very dangerous to the life of the fetus and pregnant women.

12. Benefits of Salak Fruit to Overcome Stomach Acid Disruption

Salak fruit is also useful to overcome stomach acid disorders, to overcome this then pregnant women can eat fruit bark. Salak will reduce nausea and make the digestion becomes normal again.

13. Benefits of Salak Fruit to Maintain Heart Health

The content of potassium in fruits is beneficial for maintaining heart health. Salak intake can suffice the amount of potassium needed by the body.

14. Benefits of Salak Fruit for Bone

Salak fruit also contains calcium that is useful for maintaining bone health, especially for pregnant women, salak is useful for forming skeletal tissue framework in the fetus. In addition, calcium is also needed by pregnant women to prepare the body in the birth.

Benefits of salak for pregnant women contain calcium which helps contribute to daily calcium adequacy. In addition, the fruits are also important to help pregnant women to have a healthy and strong stamina.

15. Helps Memory System on Fetus

The benefits of the last bark is to form intelligence and retain memory in the brain. The content of pectin in fruits was also very effective to build a system of intelligence in the fetus. This is because the pectin content in the bark.

How? Quite amazing is not it? That is a review of the Benefits of Salak Fruit for Health and Nutritional Content that we can share this time. Do not forget to tell this information to as many people as you know. Warm regards


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